Natureswell Vitamin C is an excellent one-a-day capsule, which can be taken by anyone to help boost his or her vitamin C intake. The tablets are time released throughout the day to help boost your immune system, as well as maintaining connective tissue. They contain 1,000mg; of vitamin C per tablet (1250% DV), so are excellent for people who really want to boost their vitamin C levels dramatically.

Healthy Heart
Vitamin C is an antioxidant, means that it’s a potent agent to fight oxidative damage, and not just on the skin’s surface. Our bodies suffer oxidative damage too when our immune system activates to fight off pathogens, therefore vitamin C plays a vital role in recovery from illness, supporting the development of our warrior white blood cells and fighting inflammation that can damage the tissues.

Vitamin C Deficiency
Severe deficiency of vitamin C leads to scurvy. Signs of deficiency do not manifest until previously adequately nourished individuals have been deprived of vitamin C for 4-6 months. Deficiency is associated with fatigue, weakness, aching joints and muscles. Most of the other symptoms of scurvy are due to impaired collagen synthesis and are characterized by bleeding gums, poor wound healing and damage to bone and other tissues.

Vitamin C Benefits
Vitamin C has antioxidant properties, potentially protecting cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin C is also involved in the synthesis of collagen, which is required for the normal structure, and function of connective tissues such as skin, cartilage and bones. It is therefore an important nutrient for the healing process. It is also involved in the normal structure and function of blood vessels and neurological function. Vitamin C also increases the absorption of non-haem iron (iron from plant sources) in the gut.
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